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Apple Cider Vinegar

My Dad always had a bottle of apple cider vinegar in the cupboard or fridge when we lived in queensland.

Long before it was cool to take care of yourself he would make a daily drink including 10 ml - 20ml Apple cider vinegar, a dollop of good quality local honey and 5ml vegetable oil. This was added to boiling hot water then consumed with a drop of aqueous iodine. The iodine was always hard to find. He would recommend we find the oldest pharmacist in town. Because they would know what he was asking for.

The drink appeared in a folk medicine book that has brown pages and a broken spine. The book went everywhere with Dad.

He was a testament to the claims that this drink could keep you healthy. He rarely got sick. He worked as a teacher until he was in his late 70s and had been 8 years in combat in the WWII.

There was a few years between 60 and 70 when he was quite overweight.

When he decided to drop 20 kg, the drink assisted him in doing this in a healthy way.

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